deutsche version


Please use the App SyncSw (available at the Apple AppStore) to manage sport events with multiple stopwatches.
The stopwatches at the start and finish line are synchronized via internet. Therefor no additional communication is necessary to gain all results.

A continuous connection to the internet is not necessary as all times are stored locally.
As soon as the connection is reestablished, all times will be synchronized and the race times will be calculated.

After registration you can create multiple competitions and fill the participants through an excel file. For every competition and every stopwatch an unique id is created.
This is needed to login to the competition. After login you will see the participants list in your stopwatch and the mode of the stopwatch (start or finish) is set.
The ids are also important for your privacy so only you can set the times.

After the competition is finished you can export the results to a pdf or excel file. After that you can safely delete the competition.
No data will be left on the server.